What is Content ID
Content ID is a digital fingerprinting system developed by Google which is used to easily identify and manage copyrighted content on YouTube.
When a match is found, the video gets a Content ID claim and one of the 3 actions above is applied to the claimed video :
- Block a whole video from being viewed
- Monetize the video by running ads against it and sometimes sharing revenue with the uploader
- Track the video’s viewership statistics
How it affects you?
When you – or anyone else – uploads your track on YouTube, the video may get a copyright claim from your distributor (depending on your agreement with them). Post this, you might start seeing ADs on that video, DON’T WORRY – this AD revenue will be provided to you with your periodic royalty payments by your distributor. You can also opt to remove this claim by reaching out to your distributor.
ALSO, Content ID claims are Copyright Claims not Copyright Strikes! They do not have a negative effect on your channel. Only drawback to these claims are that the views collected on your YouTube video will not count towards your monetization goals.