Does release planning make any difference? / I want my track to be releases ASAP / How long does GenRock take to get my release live?

We technically can push your tracks to be released asap – but unless your marketing and promotion campaign is very solid, we suggest against it.

Crux of the entire distribution process is –

  1. Artist Uploads their track on our portal.
  2. We check and approve all tracks and metadata manually.
  3. If approved – we send the track to streaming services to go live on the release date. (this takes around 0-48 hours)
  4. Now two things can happen depending on your release date –
  • if your release date is atleast 15-20 days in the future your track gets a chance to be pitched to editorial teams of various streaming services and if chosen it will be placed in a playlist that suits the track. Even if it is not chosen it will be placed in the “Release Radar” playlist of your followers anyway. If your track gets playlisted – it gives a boost to your plays and reach (Depending on the scale of the playlist and your profile.)
  • If your release date is not set for atleast 15 days in the future – you don’t get a chance to playlist it and it’s very likely it wont show up in your followers release radar. that’s all.
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